What We Believe

Every air traveler deserves to be heard when he or she has had a bad experience with an airline.

Having an advocate with extensive airline-industry experience significantly increases the likelihood of being heard and being fairly compensated by the airline if compensation is due.

About Trip Tiger

The founders of Trip Tiger have had decades of experience in the airline industry. They have devoted the bulk of their careers to advocating for air travelers at flagship US carriers.

In addition to deep experience with designing and executing customer product improvements, both in the sky and on the ground at major U.S. airlines, they have also held roles that have included leading a variety of customer service organizations within the airline industry.

This breadth of experience in the service side of the airline industry has given Trip Tiger’s founders an insider’s understanding of how airlines handle customer issues, when an airline is likely to offer a traveler compensation for a service or operational issue, and what the range of that compensation will typically be.

How We Can Help You

When you hire Trip Tiger, you will get personal attention from a Trip Tiger airline customer service specialist who, after reviewing your case with you, will present your case directly to the airline and will work with the airline to resolve your case on your behalf.